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Exciting story and adventures await. Also handsome and bulky furries out there. And I fall in  love to the Commander, so adorable. Please continue the story. Thank you


Thank you for the encouragement! I'll keep it up :D

you're welcome


Just wow, the amount of passion put into the world building for this game is absolutely incredible! Every character has a rich explorable past and the setting so far is crazy intriguing.

Thank you for the kind words!

The next update isn't too far off, I hope I'll be able to keep the story interesting. 



This is actually a pretty good fucking game, even if you're not into all the furry shit you can enjoy this, was fun to play, I'd like every character, and the history is very fucking good, nice jog

Thanks for the feedback! I'll be doing my best to keep it entertaining and interesting. 


Cant wait for the next update

I'll do my best to get it to ya soon!

(1 edit) (+8)

Bruh I’m seeing no love in the comments for my mans Charles....feels bad


Right? Steel was a given, but I warmed up to all the options though the game. I ended up choosing to talk to Charles the last night and was unexpectedly amazed. Here I thought I'd made my choice 😅


It's gone past february, having trouble with the update?



Sadly, real life has been kicking my ass and it's been difficult to write.
Work with art assets and code etc has kept on going as usual but writing has slowed down. Things are looking like they'll return to normal soon-ish with work etc so I'm hoping to be able to properly get into it soon.

Sorry for the delays, the game is still very much in development, writing's just taking longer than usual.


Good to know. I cant wait. I love the story so far. Hope things get betterfor you  quick.


I hope life is treating you better bro, don't worry to much about delays shit happens. Especially at times like these


Came for the husbandos, stayed for the philosophical questions.




unsubscrib! Not enough bearded dads! :(

4/5 stars!

(1 edit) (+2)

I will add some bearded dads :c


Daddy Steel is enough for me he already captured my heart.



Don't you growl at me mister. I would just feel bad about betraying my beloved Mike...


Y’ be honest....I kinda liked the speedy romance dialogues...I understand why they’re getting changed and that’s good, on the other hand, it kinda made sense. Like the MC just got through a breakup, so like maybe he’s in that recovery stage where wanting that feeling of connection back is all he can think about. As for the others, I dunno...I only played through one route (Dr. Charles) so far, and he was the only one that stuck out as that secluded romantic type, while the others showed their “love language” in different ways. I dunno if this is just me who felt like this but hey🐊


I plan on doing it in a different way, so no real information will be missed, rather easier to read and approach I think.

Thank you for the feedback, you've hit on a lot of points I want to keep in mind when writing so it's very refreshing to see!


Is the Android version a little different from the PC?


Yes, I think the PC version has a few line differences because of a bug fix. (whoops).












Deleted 2 years ago

i cant wait to be able to do more with mike and john they are both great. i am pretty excited to see how everything will  progress and the relationship as well.


Thanks for reading the story! The next update is a big one, with lots of optimizations and a few new features.  Can't wait to release it.

Hopefully I can keep it up. I might be a bit biased, but it's a great one coming up!


Max is adorable, holy moly. 

This looks good! I'm very interested to see where this story goes in the future.

Thank you!

I hope I'll be able to live up to your expectations. That said, the way things are looking I'm really excited to show you all the next update.


Are you going to change the art? Because I do LOVE the actual art of the characters (Being honest, not being sarcastic) It'd be a shame if the artwork of the characters changed...


The artists are still the same, and the art will still be the same. There are a certain parts on a sprite or two however that don't work too well. 

That said, it's clothing related so I don't think it'll be a rework in the way that people will be disappointed :c


Oh, I'm relieved to know then. Can't wait for the next update! :)

GruntSteel Grrrrrrrrr.....


Is there nsfw content

As for now there are hints towards it, but the game has not yet reached the point of full on NSFW. There will be, eventually.

When will there be a Mac version

I'll make sure to compile a MAC version for the next update.

Oh ok, when is the next update tho?

I aim to release one a month, but this one is a little special since I'm reworking the first chapter as well as releasing the next one. Most likely in about 2-2½ weeks.

thx for telling me, I am going to play when it comes out for Mac:3

Just finished this and loving it.  Characters are diverse and I always get the feeling each and everyone of them has a history to explore.  I like how this is a fiction where the character is trying to build up their self-esteem.  They didn't start out confident, but are working on it.

I am a little worried of not seeing any true obstacle.  Normally a good story involves a challenge of some sort, a present danger which the protagonist has to resolve.  I'm probably just being impatient considering this VN is just starting.  Can't wait to see more.


Hi! You touch on a lot of things I think about when writing, the next chapter does introduce a main part of the story. Hopefully it'll live up to your hopes and expectations. 


Random not fully DT related note, I've taken a week off that's at it's end now (don't worry, still been writing on DT, and back to it full time now) working on a project with my dear friend Drakes. If nothing unforeseen happens, that full story should be on itch soon.



Blasphemy! But yes :C


This was great. The second I saw Max's spite my brain decided to go to the spongebob meme "OH NO HE'S HOT." 😂


Right?! Cheetah's too good!


OMG I LOVED THIS! This game really brought out my inner nerd, and I've never honestly played a novel that goes that deep into concepts that I truly enjoy like scientific theories and all that. I've only done one playthrough, but my favorite is Charles because he doesn't seem as superficial as the rest of the cast. The writing, the art style and the characters all provided a very enjoyable experience for me.

My only really minor concerns are the expressions...I know it's still in early development but I feel like some characters are getting more attention such as Charles and Mike, while John has nothing going for him.

With that being said, great novel and keep up the great work!!

I'm glad! Hopefully I'll be able to bring just a few more interesting ideas in there. 

You're spot on with the Charles writing, which is why 0.5 will feature bit of a redo of the story up to this point, as well as the next chapter.

As for expressions, Cheetah and the other artists are working hard and it's something we want to get in there, as well as more poses.

Thank you for the kind feedback!

(2 edits) (+3)

It'd be nice to get more expressive sprites in the future, since the most expressive one atm is the one of Mike laughing. Maybe a couple more poses for each character would be great to show more of their personalities through body language.
On a different note, I feel like the flirting with the romanceable characters is a bit forced, not because of how it's presented, but because it's way too early in the story for the characters to be developing a somewhat strong romantic/sexual interest for what is essentially a stranger joining their crew (which also happens to be of a different species, but that's besides the point lol). I probably wouldn't mind if it was just a little bit more nuanced early on (specially with John)

That being said, I'm loving this VN thus far, the writing is great and very refreshing when it comes to furry VNs, the characters are very charming and interesting given the amount of depth they show in every conversation. The art is great overall, I'm certainly not used to seeing such good backgrounds or any kind of VFX on most VNs, and the music also helps a lot with building atmostphere, on top of being quite pleasant to listen to.

Here's looking forward to future updates!😺 andmoreCharlesbecausehe'sgreat


More sprites are coming in 0.4, as well as a rewrite of (mostly the romance scenes) and one specific scene with Charles. Your feedback is absolutely touching on the spots that have been noticed the most and it makes me happy to read your feedback and I appreciate the input.

Looking forward to being able to bring you more of the story! Andyes,morecCharlesisincomingIlikehimtoo


it should be illegal not being able to date max, loving this VN btw




I'm already under arrest for it :c

(1 edit) (+1)

With the amount of information about space and dimensions, did you research this , google it, or just made it up?

(1 edit) (+2)

Hm, most of it is stuff I've known since before due to just a general interest, but there's been some research and there's been a lot of inspirations from friends. Randomly dropping a subject like quantum entanglement in a chat can lead to some inspiring conversations. I think most people know more about interesting things than they think.


I think there is something missing here


Fixed for the next update! Thanks!


I teared up quite a bit during Charles' path because so much of what he explained just resonated with me. What you're making is just beautiful, keep up the great work.

Aww, thank you! Charles is a sweet man.


I love the new update. Really got to know the characters more.. hope to see more from this project. Good luck!!

Thank you! We'll keep working hard, the kind feedback really motivates


Hi GruntSteel I am having a bit of a problem. I downloaded the new update, but it won't start up. I've tried my other VN's just in case it was my computer having problems, but everything else works except this one. I've tried some options, but nothing has been successful.

(5 edits)


I'll take a look. It's most likely related to removing the 32-bit game version that came with ren'py 7.4.

Do you get an error or does it just not start at all?

If there is no error could you provide me with a few specifications of your computer?

If you press WIN + Pause / Break in your keyboard you should be able to see a few things like Windows Version and system type (64 bit, 32 bit?) And amount of RAM.

I have a few ideas but need something to hone in on.

Try holding shift as the game tries to start for a first step.

Alternatively, it could also be some corrupt local data.
In the following folder: 


There should be one named DistantTravels-<numbers>

You can try deleting that to see if it helps.

Edit: If there is a log.txt or traceback.txt in the game folder could you please send me it? Comments here or discord works.



No I did not get an error it just won't start. All I got was a message from my antivirus saying it blocked a virus as it finished downloading it. I could not find any of the files that you mentioned. and I tried holding shift as the game tried to start. It's honestly alright I can just wait for the next update and see if it fixes it.  

Deleted 4 years ago

I apologize for spamming you, but the issue should now be fixed. Redownload the game and it should work!

Thanks again for letting me know!

It was an issue with the latest Ren'py version, so I ended up downgrading for now.


No need to apologize and yes that fixed it thank you.


Hi there GruntSteel
I discovered this game last month and i just love it, i don't see a lot of VNs with space/sience-fiction theme so it's very refreshing. And i like the world story that is built in.

I just noticed on the last update for the laser tag part that when given the choice to "team up with Charles and John" or "play fare", both choices seem to lead to the "team up" part when the laser tag game begins, or maybe i misunderstand the situation ?
There's a small variance of dialogues but in the end i feel like when i chose to "play fare" i end up teaming up with John and Charles

As i just finished playing last update and after choosing between all the characters, i can tell that i absolutly LOVE all of them, but my favoriteS are Mike, Charles and John. God they are soooo lovable, handsome, cute, caring and with their own personnality i can't put them in a top 3 cuz they'll be all at the 1st place. Also the music during the last conversation with the characters is so fitting i absolutly LOVE it

Anyway i'm looking foward to the next update !!
I thank all of the team for this amazing game that will keep being better over time :)

PS : sorry if my english isn't correct all the time i'm a french guy :p


About the lazer tag sequence, I'll be cleaning it up some to make it a little longer and more nuanced in a small version that's coming soon to fix a few issues, it'll also expand the individual scenes at the end of the update and should be coming in the next few days.

Thank you for the kind feedback, I really appreciate it and I'll keep working hard to keep the story interesting.


To be honest when i chose "play fare" i was expecting to team up with Commander Mike and like DESTROY everyone else (well he ended up destroying everyone including me lol).
Buuuuut it's your game so you do what you want i won't complain one bit, more like i'm gonna like it anyway cuz i'm a sucker for good stories like this hehe


I appreciate the input! And I think you're completely right.
By the look of things, there are a few changes incoming for 0.5. Mainly that scene, when playing fair, as well as the very end of the update where you spend some more on-on-one time. They'll be more fleshed out.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for taking the time to answer me i'm exited for the next update i can't wait~


Will Max (the dragon) have a route?

As of now there is no plan to have a route for Max, sorry.


Alright this was a great update really enjoyed it great job Grunt! you are doing fantastic keep doing your best and don't give up! Go Grunt you can do this I believe in you!

Thank you for the awesome feedback! It keeps me motivated


soooo my anti-virus said it detected a trojan after i downloaded this. should i be concerned?

It is most likely the 32 bit version from renpy 7.4. I'll take it down and do some troubleshooting right away.

Did it give you any name or such?

(1 edit) (+1)

Update to this; It is a generic error from an unsigned 32 bit .exe that Ren'py 7.4 introduces. You can rest safe, it is a false positive. A version without this is soon coming.

If you'd like to check it out for yourself you can scan the -32.exe and then the normal .exe on virustotal or such.

I'd suggest either redownloading now, or delete the DistantTravels-32.exe file. It is not needed to run the game and simply adds compability with older windows versions.


alrighty, cool beans


Who's the panda? Is he going to have a route?


Isn't it a badger? Pandas only have black circles round their eyes badgers have the markings go down their head. Haven't played the update yet since im working through a VN backlog fron when the update broke alot of saves.

John is indeed a badger, a buff, bearish one, but a badger. :D


John is one of the routes, you get to pick your route properly in this update. 



Yeay I'm the first to download the new update OwO

Keep up the good work! Go Grunt!


Thank yoooou!

Just thought I'd make a small comment about the writing for 0.4 being done. Currently in the editing phase.


Alright! you're amazing keep up the great work!


Keep going! You're doing great! [ Insert wonderful and supportive critiques ] just accept the love and yes.

Yay! I'll be posting something regarding the update soon. Thanks for the encouragement, it works!


Oh and when is the next update due???? I need more!!!!


I have never been so enticed by a demo in my life...what is this sorcery!!!! 

AAAAAAHHHH!!!! This is going to be sooo goood!!! I love the Commander already!!!!!

Seriously dude!!! What the hell!!! Are trying to make me obsessed...if you are, its working!!!


There'll be more of all the characters in 0.4 which is just around the corner. There'll be a post regarding it soon. Thanks for the kind feedback, it means a lot!

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