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omg that last chapter, i was so hungry for more!  but then you said it was the final update for now and my jaw DROPPED.  Yall are so talented!!  <3 so excited for the next update!


Soooo looking forward for the next update on this, Great work so far.

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I'm disappointed I cant date the pop culture dragon hes my favorite 


you cant? aww i was looking forward to trying that


There's something* in the pipeline for Max, being worked on by a friend. (and I like what I've seen so far!) We'll see how far it gets, otherwise I'll be touching on a Max route once every other route is finished.



Good to know but I ain't complaining about what we got already it already great


oh nice I’ll be looking forward to that then!


Any news on the next update?


I'm still alive, but I don't want to promise a release date at the moment. 

I'll post some teasers on discord this week to show some progress, at least. Sorry for all the delays!


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All I can say after playing my first build...Space Daddy Bear! 😍🤤


right after accepting when stevenson pages mike there is a case of white text on white background.

Hi there, I'll take a closer look at this. Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it!


spoilers to the game but:

the reference to A Place to Call Home omfg im dasihubidasyisadydashbnjhasdhbnjyuk mdashjyubnkiadsh WHAT

now i know why mike looks so familiar jeez

im having a moment rn


Wow this is the best VN i read ever i have... Except romantic moments their are also a lesson u can put in your mind if you read it.. Carefullyy.. Wow Wow.. Thanks for this Vn..... Im always looking forward for this even for chapter... Hhhe... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Loves lotss.. DEV AND TEAM


I Love your Avatar on, Gruntsteel!! We need more Bears!!


And Scalies? 😍


Always! ;)


I'm looking forward to see more of what's coming and I hope you keep working on this. This VN seems interesting :D


Thank you very much, and I agree!


Not to pester as I know creators are busy people, but would you check out my youtube? I post some of my artwork there. Pen and Ink with Watercolor. Ijust went digital and haven't posted any of that, yet.  No pressure or worries if you don't want to. :)


Oh, interesting. I like your stuff, can't wait to see what you come up with in digital format!



   So! Been a little while where i was learning and getting familiar with my digital format. I am doing some fanart and avatars for people now. I currently have seven on commission for people i like or who have inspired me. Freebies where i get used to doing commissions and "work".  My first is now up on my channel. I give a month before i post so the owner can show it off on their own before i post it.

   Along those lines, may i give your bear avatar a shot in my style? No charge, of course, as >>I<< am asking >>YOU<<! I won't do it if you say no, just basic courtesy, in my opinion.  If you want to see what my digital style looks like, go to my channel and look for "Gifts for Friends".

  Take care!

Hi there, that sounds awesome! I'd love to see my avatar in your style, feel free to draw and post it anytime!



Hey gruntsteel i want more of john time 😭😭😭 

Ohhh by the was when's the update hehehe

Heya! Still working on it, got a bit of a writers block as I tend to but it's getting there!



Is Rex okay? Like physically?


Hi there,

This depends on a few things and choices made in the story, and will be expanded on in Chapter 4.
Most of the time, he will be alright. 


Thanks for clearing that up, I had read over it a couple times and I wasn't sure if I had missed something saying if he was or wasn't. I'll know when the next chapter comes out then

Deleted 1 year ago



the way im 90 percent confused on what i just read


Remember the day today


Just got done Playing the current Update,
Cant say I'm anything but impressed, while yes,  there isn't much Content yet, and some dialogue can be a bit wooden at times.
The characters charm, the good presentation, and the overarching story make more than up for it.

All in all, a great experience so far, and I can't wait for what's in store next!

Y'all definitely shouldn't sleep on this one °^°

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Just want to ask who's update it's gonna be

Hope it's john thou 😗


Mike and John should both get their Ch4. As well as trying to get Charles ch3 and 4 in there as well, so hopefully all 3 up to speed after this one.
I've run into some writers block though, so it'll be in April by the look of things.



yey! I can taste more of john's flirting hehehehe

Deleted post

And I'm loving Mike! I look forward to more cute bear cuddles!


O jogo é muito bom estou ansioso para próxima atualização ^-^


Eu tive que usar o google tradutor, então peço desculpas se não estiver correto. Obrigado pelas palavras gentis, é muito motivador ouvir! 



I had to use google translate so I apologize if it's not correct.
Thank you for the kind words, it's very motivating to hear!


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sorry i'm brazilian and i don't know much english

Hehe eu entendo 

When is the next update

Likely within this week. Or the week after.


Some delays for me (I replied to the content above with a bit more information). But it should be out sometime this month at least. Sorry.



Hi there, small update on that.

I ran out of juice as writers and game devs do, with some of the things going on in the world. On the flip side, Elden Ring released recently and I've been playing it a lot. What it's managed to do is recharge my batteries, so I've been making small but important progress.

So in short, it's delayed from what I expected (this week). It should still be this month* (sorry for the slow updates, truly). It should also, in my honest opinion be a very good one. Art wise and story wise.



Amazing novel. Loved everything about it. I just wish there was a route with Max, but other than that, it's excellent! Thanks for all the work you put into it.


Thank you for the kind words! It gives a motivation boost when working on the game, truly!


Hi how are u, when is the next update ?



I'm doing alright, thanks for asking! Winter is going wild here and so on. Next update is probably sometime in the first half of March, if things keep progressing as they currently are


ok thanks and take care :)


Aw man it ended too quickly. Guess I'll just have to wait.

im  already inlove with this vn even though i played it for only 30 minutes, question- does all of the characters have routes?


Hi and thanks for playing the game!

Mike (the bear), Charles (tiger) and John (badger) does for now. I'm probably going to revisit adding more routes once those three are finished.



#Team Rex.

Save the GSD(ude)!

Just played the updated version and love it.  Will be paying attention to patreon page as well in case you add more stuff there.

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I love this VN the only thing that bothers me is the extreme inconsistent art whoever does johns art should be doing the cg and sprites

I thought it was all the same artist with the exception of Bruce, who has the artstyle of the Limits VN.

just finished the 5 hour or so journey a bit ago, didnt know it was an unfinished game, but i didnt bother to look at that. anyways, for what it is so far, i was so engaged in the story that i played it all in one sitting. excited to see where this goes. and some things about this game are very uncanny and relateable to my own life, feels like i was meant to play this game.

I'm insanely attracted to rex as long as he doesn't open his mouth and poetry starts spewing out xD


I genuinely love Charles. I hope he gets an update soon :)


The game has had such a lot of work put into it, it's honestly amazing. The characters feel real, and as someone who is a closet philosopher, I liked hearing about the different views  on life from people like John and Rex.

The MC is someone I kind of relate too, but not too much, which I think is a pretty good balance. You guys did amazing on the writing!

Also, Rex is now my new favourite character, I share a lot of the same views as him, and I do think he looks quite amazing, heh- And I'm now incredibly worried for him, after what happened- I hope he feels better in the next build, and I would love to have more conversations with him!

Xou've really come a long way from those days when xou didn't have sprites :p The overall feel of DT is really well done UwU Xou've set the pace so nicely, and without making it feel too rushed or forced. From world building to character development, it's just such a good read :) and finally getting to spend more time with our local himbo John,  I couldn't be happier~ ^^_

As 1ne last accolade, I want to point out that I've not come across any other goths in the many, many, many VN's I've read. And as 1ne myself, I was really happy to see Ed ^o^/

Keep up the great work~!


I appreciate a lot the love interests (John especially) but my heart made a 360 when I heard Rex's point of view in life because that's also how I view the world and I'm strongly considering picking the programming lessons so I can create a route with him 


I'm glad to hear! 

It's something that's been brought up before. I'm interested in writing out a route for a few characters (Rex, Bruce and perhaps Max) once the rest of the game is finished. The downside is that it's way down the pipeline, as the rest of the game has to be finished before I can properly devote myself to it.


I have a question:  which Android version do I install on my tablet? 🤔🤔


The one labelled "Newer Phones" should work for most tablets. I'll rename them to make more sense.

Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll build a larger more universal android package.


For some reason I cannot install the newer phone version (Android) on my tablet. I have done it before.


Hi, I've uploaded a universal release .apk now, please try that version.

If this does not work for whatever reason, try deleting any old version you have on the game first, including the local save file storage. (Usually in \android\data\com.distanttravels~


That did it, thank you!!! 😃😃😃

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Hmm is there a way to make the font for alex a bit darker? It's kind of hard to see some words where  part the background is white.

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Hi! This bug should be fixed. 

I had missed adding the new textbox to the player if defined in the quick start. Try starting a new save (you'll get all important flags and catch up fast with the quick start option).
If the issue persists, you'll have to re-download, there should be a background for the MC Textbox.

Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for the report!


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You're awesome! It works. Thanks for the help! Wonderful Update. Can't wait for more. 


Will Bruce have his own romance route at some point? That's one gorgeous dragon, though my favorite is Mike, the wonderful bear.


Bruce is fun to write, and he's in my pipeline once the rest of the game is complete. Sadly, it's in the future still. 

Although, there's something about this game (Heads up, it's an RPG and not a VN) by a dear friend of mine...

Bara-Diction on Twitter: "(For those who played) Who and why?" / Twitter


yes! new update!!Xqc Clapping GIF - Xqc Clapping Fast GIFs


oh. my. lord. 

I'm so happy, finally, i can see 0.6 of Distant Travels! I've done read of this beautiful story, and it's so cool, omg. Thanks for this udpate, GruntSteel!


I waited so long :D thank you so much


Holy sht! Holy sht! Holy sht! It's here! It's here!


I just finished through the 0.5 build and I must say that you did an excellent job. The exploration of both quantum physics as well as psychological/philosophical perspectives is a refreshing and thought provoking addition to a visual novel. I can't wait to see where it goes in the future. Keep up the good work!

PS: I love the references to Limits.

Thank you for the kind words! It's really motivating to read. 
Hopefully 0.6 is interesting in it's own way, despite John's route being the outlier when it comes to what people have come to expect from the story.


Now i'm curious what's different about john's route o_o

It's more about personal relationships and finding oneself, in a way. It's still DT, but it's the one that sticks out a bit due to a small lack of sci-fi.

Hm, I might like other routes then. 


Just want to know if there was gonna be an update anyways just keep on pushing strive in your goal and be strong there wil be more problem on the way

Thank you for the support! Really, it means a lot. 0.6 is now out and I expect I'll have to do a small update in a few days, as it goes. Hopefully back to monthly or bi-monthly updates from now on. /G

Oh wow thank a lot dude keep it up, hopefully i really love this vn the plot the setting it's just perfect


Hi, any update in these days ?


I still want to push an update out this year and I'm basically working (job) -> dinner -> writing until late night at the moment hoping to get it out before new years.
At latest, it'll be out a week into the new year.

All the best, and thanks for sticking with me despite all the delays. I'll touch on it in the devlog, and explain what happened to me for the delays, when I push the update.


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 Glad you are doing right man, take your time, no rush on that, the longer the wait the better the reward will be ;) ...        you deserve a few days off too,  hopefully  ending the year in the best  posible way, good luck and  an early happy new year

( english isn't my native language , so i apologize if i made some gram mistakes )

Thank you for your hard work, GS!

We appreciate it. I understand life can get in the way and delays happen.

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