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I genuinely love Charles. I hope he gets an update soon :)


The game has had such a lot of work put into it, it's honestly amazing. The characters feel real, and as someone who is a closet philosopher, I liked hearing about the different views  on life from people like John and Rex.

The MC is someone I kind of relate too, but not too much, which I think is a pretty good balance. You guys did amazing on the writing!

Also, Rex is now my new favourite character, I share a lot of the same views as him, and I do think he looks quite amazing, heh- And I'm now incredibly worried for him, after what happened- I hope he feels better in the next build, and I would love to have more conversations with him!

Xou've really come a long way from those days when xou didn't have sprites :p The overall feel of DT is really well done UwU Xou've set the pace so nicely, and without making it feel too rushed or forced. From world building to character development, it's just such a good read :) and finally getting to spend more time with our local himbo John,  I couldn't be happier~ ^^_

As 1ne last accolade, I want to point out that I've not come across any other goths in the many, many, many VN's I've read. And as 1ne myself, I was really happy to see Ed ^o^/

Keep up the great work~!


I appreciate a lot the love interests (John especially) but my heart made a 360 when I heard Rex's point of view in life because that's also how I view the world and I'm strongly considering picking the programming lessons so I can create a route with him 


I'm glad to hear! 

It's something that's been brought up before. I'm interested in writing out a route for a few characters (Rex, Bruce and perhaps Max) once the rest of the game is finished. The downside is that it's way down the pipeline, as the rest of the game has to be finished before I can properly devote myself to it.


I have a question:  which Android version do I install on my tablet? 🤔🤔


The one labelled "Newer Phones" should work for most tablets. I'll rename them to make more sense.

Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll build a larger more universal android package.


For some reason I cannot install the newer phone version (Android) on my tablet. I have done it before.


Hi, I've uploaded a universal release .apk now, please try that version.

If this does not work for whatever reason, try deleting any old version you have on the game first, including the local save file storage. (Usually in \android\data\com.distanttravels~


That did it, thank you!!! 😃😃😃

(1 edit) (+1)

Hmm is there a way to make the font for alex a bit darker? It's kind of hard to see some words where  part the background is white.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! This bug should be fixed. 

I had missed adding the new textbox to the player if defined in the quick start. Try starting a new save (you'll get all important flags and catch up fast with the quick start option).
If the issue persists, you'll have to re-download, there should be a background for the MC Textbox.

Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for the report!


(2 edits) (+1)

You're awesome! It works. Thanks for the help! Wonderful Update. Can't wait for more. 


Will Bruce have his own romance route at some point? That's one gorgeous dragon, though my favorite is Mike, the wonderful bear.


Bruce is fun to write, and he's in my pipeline once the rest of the game is complete. Sadly, it's in the future still. 

Although, there's something about this game (Heads up, it's an RPG and not a VN) by a dear friend of mine...

Bara-Diction on Twitter: "(For those who played) Who and why?" / Twitter


yes! new update!!Xqc Clapping GIF - Xqc Clapping Fast GIFs


oh. my. lord. 

I'm so happy, finally, i can see 0.6 of Distant Travels! I've done read of this beautiful story, and it's so cool, omg. Thanks for this udpate, GruntSteel!


I waited so long :D thank you so much


Holy sht! Holy sht! Holy sht! It's here! It's here!


I just finished through the 0.5 build and I must say that you did an excellent job. The exploration of both quantum physics as well as psychological/philosophical perspectives is a refreshing and thought provoking addition to a visual novel. I can't wait to see where it goes in the future. Keep up the good work!

PS: I love the references to Limits.

Thank you for the kind words! It's really motivating to read. 
Hopefully 0.6 is interesting in it's own way, despite John's route being the outlier when it comes to what people have come to expect from the story.


Now i'm curious what's different about john's route o_o

It's more about personal relationships and finding oneself, in a way. It's still DT, but it's the one that sticks out a bit due to a small lack of sci-fi.

Hm, I might like other routes then. 


Just want to know if there was gonna be an update anyways just keep on pushing strive in your goal and be strong there wil be more problem on the way

Thank you for the support! Really, it means a lot. 0.6 is now out and I expect I'll have to do a small update in a few days, as it goes. Hopefully back to monthly or bi-monthly updates from now on. /G

Oh wow thank a lot dude keep it up, hopefully i really love this vn the plot the setting it's just perfect


Hi, any update in these days ?


I still want to push an update out this year and I'm basically working (job) -> dinner -> writing until late night at the moment hoping to get it out before new years.
At latest, it'll be out a week into the new year.

All the best, and thanks for sticking with me despite all the delays. I'll touch on it in the devlog, and explain what happened to me for the delays, when I push the update.


(2 edits) (+1)

 Glad you are doing right man, take your time, no rush on that, the longer the wait the better the reward will be ;) ...        you deserve a few days off too,  hopefully  ending the year in the best  posible way, good luck and  an early happy new year

( english isn't my native language , so i apologize if i made some gram mistakes )

Thank you for your hard work, GS!

We appreciate it. I understand life can get in the way and delays happen.

Hey Grunt (GruntSteel, GS?), I really wish I could contribute to this somehow as it seems to hit home pretty hard with the self esteem stuff, I would love to help with proofreading and fixing some of the typos and such in the writing but I don't want to ruin the story by knowing what's ahead... Tough choices, plus I don't even know if you're looking for anyone to do that. Figured I'd volunteer anyway, I think what you're doing so far is positively excellent!


Sorry for not responding earlier.

I try to proofread and I'm happy to have any help once an update is released. Usually, the first week after an update I try and fix all the typos and errors reported and if needed I'll apply a small patch fixing them then.
Feel free to reach out to me on discord (either through DM or through the server) and send me anything you find, and I'll make sure it is fixed.

However, after previous experiences with specific proofreaders ending up missing the same thing as me (Reading too much of the same thing, perhaps?) I don't want to fully commit to having an editor or such at this time.  I appreciate the attention and offer.



Will there be an update this month or next month?

I mean the VN itself is pretty amazing. I really wish that the creator won't ghosted it out.

There'll be a relief for me if I know that the game is still somehow under way, even with a minor update or in its slow pace.

Just hoping that I can someday, relive the journey and continue on with this great VN. 

You can't just put me in this misery right? :)



There will be an update this month. Honestly there's enough written for an update already, but I need to polish it some more, aside from just being on a roll with writing; meaning I'll write until I get stuck and then update. 

TL;DR Yes December update for sure, and a massive one at that, a few hundred fixes, sprite updates, new characters, new CGs, UI update and a few hours of story.

Thanks for the kind words! Truly! /G




I excitedly await the new update and wish to thank you in advance for your hard work this year! :D


That's one of the weirdest hiatus reasons if i'm honest lol.

"I'm doing so well writing, I don't want to stop and polish it for an update" xD

Well i'm happy at least it isn't like the common no work done hiatus.


Well this is one big news and a good a good new keep up the good story 

Deleted post

You can't blame me my dude...

I'm Commander Mike's simp... LOL

Deleted post

Some update this month?


Probably not, sorry. Too much stuff I have to deal with in my life at the moment to push it.


Hey, how are you doing buddy?


Hi there!

Still dealing with some health issues, but work stuff is clearing up.

I'm taking my time writing still as to keep my health up. Slow and steady. There's a deadline set for the update; but it's closer to x-mas. I might release an update earlier but that's a big *might*.



I hope you feel better soon. Take it easy buddy, your health comes first. Hugs!


Eat fruits to stay healthy😊 hope you feel better soon

(2 edits)

ah i missed this info im sorry to hear that at the same time im happy to know i just need to be patient to continue this amazing story

edit: yeah ok i just read now last devlog dunno how i missed it



(1 edit) (+1)

Question, In the future can we take other route's or no? (*Cough* i like Rex)

The poor man can not even finish the 3 routes, without offending the creator, worse put more routes, and we all love Rex we demand a route for 3 years from now xd

not three years, thats specific and still a time constraint. whenever he feels its appropriate to add in rex's route or feels it could work. (also maybe the way to proc the routes for them could be a empty option with a question mark! like we click that and get a choice later.)

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(would also like a Rex route)

Im still at route 2 and ill get to route 3 eventually maybe it will change my thoughts for Rex :3


It's something I'd like to explore in the future, but not until the main routes are completely finished as they build the main story.



Just finished it and I LOVE  Mike! My heart dropped when the game was suddenly done😂


I made it here, but the control's dont work 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Are you playing on joiplay? If so u can just tap anything just like any other android games

I was trying to open it from the app but i was stuck, and yes ive played it on joiplay thanks btw!

PS: Sorry for the late reply i got busy -,-


Oh god do not worry friend! Its not like the end of the earth, so we will wait until you release it! As they all say " patience is key" meaning the more you work hard the worth it you will make for you update, I'm rambling again sorry

But we will wait, promise! 


*Cough* Any info on the mobile version prob.? (Just askin (~‾▿‾)~ )

Hi, sorry for not updating it. The problem is that the main code has changed enough that going back to a previous version to update would too much work.
However, for when the update is finally released it should work without issues, at least I haven't ran into any problems while testing.

(1 edit)

Okay!!, Thank you for the info. I hope the testing runs smoothly!! (~‾▿‾)~

You can try playing  a pc version by using joiplay

(1 edit)

Thank you!! ヾ(・ω・)

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so like how many routes are there cause im really feeling the two in the front of the cover and the croc


Currently there's Mike (the bear in front), John (badger next to the croc) and Charles (tiger next to the badger). I plan on finishing the game with these three, then add other routes as any of the other routes would differ story wise.






because :)



Because. :).




As of now it's just an easter-egg, as Drakes and I are close friend. Who knows what the future holds though. 

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-just reading the comments while downloading the VN-


〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Just here to wait and dancee~


〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 les dance


Just tried this, and it is good so far :) I just noticed that in some part of the game says "woman dressed as a waiter". "Waiter" is used for men, while "waitress" is for the females. Maybe I am wrong, but that's how I learned it in my english classes. Overall, I enjoyed reading this.


Fixed for the next update, thanks! 

She could be cross-dressing. And it is not a joke.

Is this game on hiatus, or are the updates just taking time?


just taking some time i believe.


Hi, sorry for the late answer.

I've had an uh, interesting period in life with health, work etc.

However, the game is still very much in development and I'm trying to push out this next update soon.


Thank you for the clarification!


As a huge philosophy enthusiast I'm REALLY glad that someone tries to inject that type of things into games! Anyway, I Love all characters especially Charles and that big Badger (i'm sorry i'm bad at remembering names xD) gonna wait for the next updates, wish you all best :D


Thanks for the feedback! Next update is mostly John (the badger) and Charles, so hopefully it'll be interesting for you.


I know for sure I'm interested in John's route so I'll keep my eyes peeled for the next update. We appreciate the hard work so keep it up and hf! 😄


I finally decided to play this VN and damn, I'm really glad I did. The overall story and its background so far is interesting, the character design with the usage of multiple artists is great and I just all in all enjoy the flow of this VN. 

Looking forward to the following updates. Thanks for this game, GruntSteel! 


Thank you for the kind words! I'm working hard on getting the next update out for you, and I hope to keep it interesting.



I really enjoy the game so far, the story seems interesting, the characters are pretty well written and I'm excited so see more.

Also some of the characters designs tho, damn


Thank you for the kind words! Really! It keeps motivation up while working.

iufshg;fs  god i relate to this image too much

Hello!, i have the same problem as Marco294959, My screen is  black at launch,My phone is Oppo a11s ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ (Pls fix  this i rlly want to play your game •́ ‿ ,•̀ )


Hi! I'll look into this, so it'll be fixed for next update.

(1 edit)

Bruce have drakes's artstyle... interesting. 


Grrrrr you are teasing everyone.....

oh hell yeah, i wanna date him

Why are my screen like I can't play the I'm on Android pls fix this


I'll look into this.

Does this happen during some specific scene or directly on launch?
What device are you on (What phone/Tablet)?

And if possible, can you reinstall the app and see if the problem persists?


It happened when I launched it my phone is kinda embarrassing it's oppo a5s

Alright! I'll make sure to release a version for lower end phones on the next update, it was already on my list of things to do so it'll be fast. 

That should work better on your phone.





Any news?


Hi! Looking at a mid August release. I'm sorry for the slow updates, been dealing with some health issues that hopefully are all in the past now.


Your health comes first and foremost, still it's good to know that an update is on the horizon. Can't wait! :) 

Deleted 2 years ago

well im looking foward to hopefully date one day Bruce, that big oldragon, please make a route for him ...😤

(6 edits) (+3)

Honestly loving it so far, I just have a couple of grammatical gripes. I also really want more of Max he's a blast, but I love the individuality of the whole cast thus far. If my constructive criticism isn't too harsh, I can provide a few more examples for you, there aren't too many glaring mistakes, but I saw a few in my first go around.

In the example below the dialog goes "Usually, If I were to example get a new colleague or if we'd start a new big project at work we'd do something like a kick off." 

However, I believe you meant for it to be: 

"Usually, If I were to *for example get a new colleague or if we'd start a ** big project at work we'd do something *** like that to kick it off"

*" to example" doesn't make any sense grammatically, but if we follow the 'to' with a 'for' that will be fixed. I think you meant to do this. .You could also remove 'to' entirely and put in 'for' in its place, but for what I think you were going for, it is unnecessary.

** Kind of just a personal gripe, nothing technically wrong here. Nevertheless, since we have the word 'start' proceeding the adjective/noun phrase 'new big project' , we can see that 'new' is redundant  as start comes right before and therefore can be removed.

*** Since we're talking about a social event(s), it makes sense to address 'it' as such, In the case you meant 'kick off' as in the sports term that is being applied, uhh, my bad.

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Thanks for all the kind words! I'll take a look through this properly before launching the update. I'm always happy to receive feedback on my grammar and whatnot.

(1 edit) (+1)

How soon is the update?

Wondering if I should catch up on 0.5 now, or play 0.6 when it's out.

Assuming you actually have a say in how productive you can be, unlike me who just has to see when the time comes.



As of now I'd say I'm halfway there, I want to say first week of August. Buuuut, I have a history of pushing it when proofreading and rewriting entire scenes so take it with a grain of salt and expect it in the middle of August.

As for catching up on 0.5, if you're going Mike's route I'd say go for it. There are some small changesto Mike's route in 0.6 but nothing story changing, just adding more detail.


I'm really enjoying all the reflection and philosophical moments as well. Keep up the good work!

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